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About Rigaku


Rigaku is a leading producer of crystallographic hardware, software and contract research. With over 1100 employees worldwide, Rigaku has the technical strength and resources to continue providing innovative and reliable products for the crystallographic community far into the future. Rigaku is the world's largest analytical X-ray instrument producer.


Analytica Expo 2016

" Analytica Expo" has become a common place of the annual meeting for both experienced users of Rigaku equipment for discussions of the current operation of the equipment and its capabilities and new Customers - to select the optimal model of the X-ray diffractometer and X - ray fluorescence spectrometers for analytical tasks of industrial and scientific research laboratories

«Educational-Scientific X-ray Structure Analysis NTUU “KPI” – Rigaku Center» has opened

Rigaku continues the practice of strategic partnerships with leading Universities

Moscow, Russia, 123610, 12, Krasnopresnenskaya q., World Trade Centre, M-2, 15 fl., 1512 office
+7 (495) 967 0959
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